How to do Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Paschimottanasana, Seated
Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch is an asana. Meaning of Paschima is West/Back, Uttana – Intense
Stretch, Asana – Pose.
Seated forward bend pose is a classic Hatha
Yoga pose that has many benefits. The Paschimottanasana covers a whole lot of
systems in the body and is particularly useful for diabetes and high blood
pressure. This asana also gives the entire body a good stretch. Interestingly,
the front part of the body is called the East, and the back is usually called
the West. This asana concentrates on the back of the body, and, therefore, it
is named as such. In English, this asana is called the Seated Forward Bend or
the Intense Dorsal Stretch.
How to do Paschimottanasana
Sit on the floor with both the legs straight in front of you. Both ankles and toes will be side by side. Then while exhaling bend down and hold both toes of the feet with both the hands and place the forehead on the knees. Both the elbows will touch the ground. Stay in pause for 1-3 minutes.
Things to Remind Before
You Do The Asana
You must make sure to keep your stomach and bowels empty before you practice this asana. Have your meals at least four to six hours before you do the asana so that your food gets digested and there is enough energy for you to expend during the practice.
- Continuous practice of this asana make spinal cord flexible· Blood circulation improves and makes heart healthy· Muscles of the waist and calves get toned up which makes them flexible· Helps relieve stress and depression· Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and gives relief in back pain.· Stimulates liver, kidney, ovary and uterus. Itt also help to detoxify liver.· Those who have a heavy lower back, must practice it regularly. Waist becomes thin and shapely· Helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and menstrual problems· Helps in relieving headache , anxiety and reduces fatigue· It cures skin diseases and foul smell in the body· Helpful in high blood pressure, insomnia, and sinusitis· Face glows and there is stimulation of energy· kills worm and purifies blood .
- and increases appetite
It should not perform by
those suffering from Backache, Asthama, Diarrhea, Back injury (only perform
under the supervision) and ache in the neck.
Tips For Beginner
Never force yourself in to a
forward bend, when sitting on the floor and performing pause , as soon as you feel the space between
your pubis and navel shortening, stop, lift your self gently upward and sit
staraight and lengthen the torso. It occur often because of tightness in the
backs of the legs.