Treatment of Obesity

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) , a measurement obtained by dividing a person’s height, is over 30 kg/m2 ,  with the range 25-30 kg/m2  defined as overweight. It is not a diseases itself but opens doors for many other diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, ulcer, certain type of cancer, depression, paralysis, skin trouble, sleeplessness, arthritis, asthma, sterility, impotency, etc.

Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, too much sleeping, habit of keep seated, eating of fatty food, maida, sweets, salty, tea, coffee, betel, tobacco, tension, lack of physical activity, disorder of endocrine glands, excessive medication and genetic susceptibility.

Treament Of Obesity

Dietery Changes

Reducing calories and practicing healthier eating habits are vital to overcoming obesity. Gradually reduce food consumption, live on juices then as per requirement live on uncooked food more like fruits, salad and sprouts.

Later get back to normal diet including chappati with chaff, boiled vegetables, milk without cream (toned milk) should be taken. Drink lukewarm lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Plan to participate in a comprehensive weight loss program for at least six month and in the maintenance phase of a program for at least a year to boost your odds of weight-loss success.
Restrict to certain amount of a particular food group, such as high- carbohydrate or full- fat foods. Ask your doctor for better diet plan. Ghee, sweets, roasted and fried food stuff should be kept away.  Chew food properly  to make it fine as liquid in the mouth

Exercise and Activity

Exercise- people with overweight or obese need to get exercise at least 15-30 minute a day to prevent further weight gain or to maintain the loss of a modest amount of  weight. To achieve more-significant weight loss you may need to exercise 300 minutes or more a weak. you probably need to gradually increase the amount of exercise as per your endurance and fitness improve.

Do cycling exercise by both hands and legs,  running , dance , yoga , aerobics, etc are the most efficient way to burn calories and reduce excess weight, any extra movement helps burn calories.

Yoga-  Yoga plays an important role in the treatment of obesity. Yoga techniques improves the functioning of internal organ, body , endocrine glands, brain and other factors. Yoga poses increase flexibility in the body, tonne up muscles , decrease stress, strengthen the body and mind.
Various yoga techniques can reduce the fat:-

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Sit on the floor with both the legs straight in front of you. Both ankles and toes will be side by side. Then while exhaling bend down and hold both toes of the feet with both the hands  and  place the forehead on the knees. Both the elbows will touch the ground. Stay in pause for 1-3 minutes.

Caution: - It should not perform by those suffering from Backache, Asthama, Diarrhea, Back injury (only perform under the supervision) and ache in the neck.

Suptpavanmuktanasna  (wind releasing pose)

This asana should be done on right foot first then on the left foot and thereafter on both the feet. Lie down on the back with both ankles and toes together. Keep your chin up and look straight ahead.

Note: - Those who have backache or neckache should not perform this asana.

Bhujangasana/Sarpasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie down straight on the stomach and keep both hands under the shoulders. Ankles and toes should be kept together and then while inhaling raise the body up to the waist in such a manner that the body takes shapes of a snake. Waist should be raised up to the navel.

Note – This asana should not be done by those suffering from ulcer, colitis and hernia.

Shalbhasana (Grasshopper Pose)

Lie down on the stomach on the ground. Keep both toes and ankles together, and both the palm under the shoulders. Then gradually inhaling raise the neck and feet so much that the weight of the whole body is on the belly. In this state raise both hands or put them under the thighs.

In shalbhasana the neck should be kept upturned and feet stretched together in the air as shown in the picture.

Katichakarasana (Standing spinal twist)

Stand with both feet one foot wide open on the ground. Lift both arms up to the shoulder’s height. In this position both the palms will be facing each other. Then twist the waist to the left side. In this state the right hand will be straight and left hand half folded. Repeat on the other side.
Note :- while twisting the waist, knees should not be bent and body below navel region should not be twisted.

Supt-Vajarasana (sitting Pose)

Sit in the vajarasana. Place both the palms behind close to the waist on the floor. Then fold the elbows and slowly lie down. Shoulders and neck will touch the ground. Then keep both the palms under the shoulder and raise the head in such a way that it touches the ground. Thereafter put the palms down on the thighs. In this position both the knees will be together.

Meaning - Surya means ‘Sun’ in Sanskrit and this mudra is known to increase the fire element in the body. This is achieved by covering up the ring finger which represents the earth element with your thumb which represents the fire element. 
Fire is what spurs the digestive system - hence this mudra's reputation (and corresponding popularity) for facilitating weight loss! 

How to do the Surya Mudra - Stand or sit up straight and hold your hands out in front of you. Bend the ring finger of each hand so that its tip touches the mound of your thumb. Press down on your ring finger with your thumb and ensure that the other fingers are spread out straight. The more pressure on your ring finger, the more your inner fire is stoked. 
The Surya Mudra can be practiced in a seated posture with hands on the knees and palms facing the sky. It is also a great mudra to do as you are walking. 

Behaviour Changes

 A behaviour modification program can help you to make lifestyle changes  and to loose weight.  First step is to examine your current habit so that root cause of your obesity may found. Behaviour modification also called behaviour therapy. Therapy or interventions with trained mental health or other professional can help you to deal with emotional and behavioural issues such as eating habits, anxiety, depression, etc.


With exercises and diet program in certain situation you need medication help to loose weight. Your doctor will recommend weight  loss medication of other methods of weight loss haven’t worked  for you.
Keep in mind, that weight-loss medication is meant to be used along with diet, exercise and behaviour changes , not instead of them. If you don’t  make these changes in your life, Medication is unlikely to work.



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