Causes and Symptoms of Heart Diseases

 Heart is a empty, muscular, spongy, shaped like a fist, placed behind the sternum bone, between the two lungs, slightly to the left side in a triangular tilt. It works like a pump, whose pumping motion makes blood flow into the arteries which carry it throughout the body to each cell and come back to the heart, flowing through veins. thus the heart circulates blood in the whole body.

When your heart isn’t working well, it has trouble sending enough blood, oxygen and nutrients to your body.

There are variety of issues that can affect your heart. You can have trouble with different parts of your heart, like your heart muscles, valves or electrical system.

Lifestyle changes and medications can keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of getting heart disease.

Symptoms of heart disease:-

  • Sudden excessive sweating,
  • palpitation,
  • heaviness in the chest,
  • difficulty in breathing feeling of suffocation,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • Vertigo or unconsciousness, burning sensation in the stomach,
  • hands and feet getting cold,
  • breathlessness caused by climbing upstairs,
  • if someone gets Vertigo while getting up or lying down, and after a short while if it gets well then it should be treated as first indication of heart disease.
  • Sometime it happens that the heart gets diseased but the symptoms are not clear before the beginning of heart disease the patient feels difficulty in breathing. From this point of view it would not be wrong to say that asthma patients are basically heart patients also.

In a heart attack the pain in the heart is acute and generally the pain begins from the middle of the chest and spread towards the left side. Sometimes it goes to the right hand shoulder and the lower jaw. This increases on walking or working too much. This ache continues for five to ten minutes or more, sometimes for hours together. There is associated sweating and breathing trouble.

Causes of heart disease:-

  • Excessive cholesterol, triglyceride,etc. in the blood,
  • smoking and tobacco consumption,
  • wrong way of living and food habits,
  • meat, eggs, maida, sugar, salt, fried products, deficiency of roughage in food,
  • excessive medication,
  • tension, worries
  • working beyond one’s capacity, fatigue,
  • anger,
  • insufficient sleep,
  • excessive sex,
  • high blood pressure,
  • diabetes, obesity, arthritis, fever etc. are the causes of heart complications.
  • Consumption of excessive calcium tablets,
  • deficiency of vitamin D increases heart problems.
  • If the belly protrudes out more than the chest, there is possibility of heart disease.
  • Sometimes it is hereditary also.

Keep away hurry, worry and Curry.


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