Yoga Poses In Depression

Yoga is an ancient Hindu discipline, which has been around for over 5000 years.Lord Shiva is the eternal inspirer of yoga. The word yoga means ‘union.’ It is the practice of body postures, meditation and breathing control.
The body feels light,becomes diseases free and starts glowing, voice becomes sweet, the body emanates anice odour, discharge of waste from the body in the form of faeces and increased muscle strength and tone.

Depression is the biggest problem being faced by us these days. It leads to abreak in relations; suicides case have also increased due to depression.  This is a psychological disease. It is a mood disorder that causes a  feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects on you thinking and behaviour and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. A depressed person begins to believe that he is ill even though he has no signs of any disease. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities. It brings negativity in patient life and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living.
Disorders caused by depression can be cured by both naturopathy and yoga.

Some Yoga poses that are beneficial in depression.
1.   Chakrasana
2.   Bhujangasana
3.   Shalabhasana
4.   Halasana/ Sarvangasana
6.   Shirshasana
7.   Tribandhasana


Lie on the ground on your back with both thighs together then keep both palms behind the shoulders and lift the middle portion of  the body.The weigth of the whole body should be on both the hands and feet equally. Remain in the state for a while and then lie down.

Note – while llifting the body leave the neck loose or else there is fear of a sprain in the neck. The neck should remain loose so that it hangs below.


Lie down straight on the stomach and keep both hands under the shoiulders. Ankles and toes shouls be kept together and then while inhaling raise the body up to the waist in such a manner that the body takes shapes of a snake. Waist should be raised up to the navel.

Note – This asana should not be done by those suffering from ulcer, colitis and hernia.


Lie down on the stomach on the ground. Keep both toes and ankles together, and both the palm under the shoulders. Then gradually inhaling raise the neck and feet so much that the weight of the whole body is on the belly. In this state raise both hands or put them under the thighs.
In shalbhasana the neck should be kept upturned and feet stretched together in the air as shown in the picture.

Halasana/ Sarvangasana

Lie down on the ground on the back. Bring both the toes and ankles together. Keep hands beside the thighs then gradually lift the feet together without bending the knees bring them beyond the head and place them on the ground. Soles of feet will point towards the sky.remain in the position for long as possible.

Note – Patient of high blood pressure, heart trouble, ache in the neck and backache should not practice it.


Sit with both the legs in the front. Both ankles and toes will be side by side. The  while exhaling bend down and hold both toes of the feet with both the hands and place the forehead on the knees. Both the elbows wil touch the ground.

Note – those suffering from backache and ache in the neck should not perform.


Sit on the ground and intertwine fingers of both the hands to make a pillow for the head. Then keep the hand on this with elbows straight on both the sides of the head. Now gradually lift the body up and straighten it. The entire weight of the body will be on the arms and elbows. Eyes should be half open. To practice shirshasana fully, it takes months and years. Before doing it should be learnt from an experienced yoga practioner. If done wrongly it cause a number of diseases.

Note – Those whose nasal passage is blocked should not do this asana. This asana must not be done by heart patients and those suffering from constipation.


In this asana three bandhs have to be performed, i.e.,moolbandh (closing up of  anus), uddiyan band (pulling in the stomach), jalandhar bandh(resting the chin on the chest) simultaneously and that is why it is called tribandhasana (three band in the asana).
First sit in padmasana and keep both hands on the knees. Then applying pressure on the hands pull the anus up(mool bandh), then while breathing out  pull the stomach in towards the spine(uddiyan bandh) and then rest the chin on the throat (jaladhar bandh) and close the eyes.

Note – spondylosis patient should not do it.


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